Keyboard and mouse

ARK Tastatur


Command Key Description
Move forward W Moves your character forward
Move backward S Moves your character backward
Move left A Moves your character to the left
Move right D Moves your character to the right
Run Left Shift Your character runs as long as the key is held down
Jump Spacebar Your character jumps with each key press
Crouch C Your character crouches on the ground as long as the key is held down
Prone X Your character lies flat on the ground when the key is pressed
Use E Interacts with objects
Sheathe weapon Q Your character sheathes the weapon/tool
Move body G Your character can move another (unconscious/sleeping) player
Open inventory I Opens your character's inventory
Open dino inventory F Opens the inventory of the currently ridden dino without dismounting
Quick access bar 0-9 Pressing one of the keys 0-9 accesses the quick access bar at the bottom of the screen
Camera bird's-eye view K This freely controllable camera gives you a better overview
Open character map M Shows you the character map and the already uncovered area
Show advanced in-game info H Pressing the "H" key displays detailed information
Talk (Voice chat) B If there are players nearby, you can speak to them by pressing and holding the "B" key
Chat typing Enter To activate the chat window, press "Enter" once and type your message


Command Key Description
Attack Left Mouse Button Your character shoots or swings a melee weapon
Attack Right Mouse Button Your character zooms in with a weapon or enlarges, for example, the open character map

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