Rhyniognatha - Giga der Lüfte (Community Draft)

Wildcard announced on February 11 that this flying monster insect is the winner and the design team is now working on the final design. The creature is scheduled for release later this year.

Rhyniognatha is an extinct genus of arthropods and is often considered the oldest flying insect. Named after the place where it was found, Rhynie in Scotland, and the Greek word "gnathos" (the pine).

It is said to add an original style of creature, using a species almost forgotten in ARK: Insects! It's also a way to make the sky more dangerous, even if you've already tamed a flying mount! Plus, once it's tamed, it becomes a mount in the endgame! This creature was suggested by Zichfried.

Wildcard announced on February 11 that this flying monster insect is the winner and the design team is now working on the final design. The creature is scheduled for release later this year.

We assume that it will be free again and will probably appear after the UE5 update. It should be noted that the features proposed in the dossier are unlikely to be adopted 1:1. 

The largest insect found was the Meganeuropsis Permiana (a large dragonfly that lived 275 million years ago) and had a wingspan of almost 75cm and a weight of 450g (see YouTube video). In the dossier, however, an insect was proposed that should even carry a Giga... hmmm, we are curious what Wildcard makes of it!


Check out the version that will be implemented now!

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